akhirnya keracunan juga ma virusnya facebook!! xoxoxo..
update sana sini, delete sana sini, klik-klik sana sini, pokok semuanya sana sini deh..harus belajar ilmu pasti per-facebook-an niyh, dan secara tidak langsung ilmu Adobe Photoshop-ku juga "nambah" euy! (meski cuma secuil) hebat khan?! yuhuy..

Tapi kok..
Rasanya pesbuk agak aneh ya? Some of them, were using facebo0k to show off their existence by writing their status with crappy stories. Jadi kadang, ak akui..kadang ak 'me.rem0ve' mereka2 yg setiap sa'at always put their crap on top of their head. It so disturbing my eyes actually..

Most of them were over complaining with their life, others were over proud with their love story, others were never stop talking about their health condition, mungkin dia berpikir org2 akan simpati..
(heran.nya ak sama sekali gak simpati, karena tiap hari yg ditulis cuma itu.itu aja, membosankan)

Well, what I think aBout pesbuk rules is: This is my house, i have an authority to select what kind of person who can enter my house and be my beloved guest. Am I right?

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